Supplemental Poor- A new class has emerged

Costs of living are rising to highly alarming levels in California. This rapid shoot has led to the formation of a new definition of who is poor. It is shocking to know that even people who earn $4000 – $5000 monthly are just one step away from being impoverished. The working class families are struggling […]

Have You Found All Your Pokemon Yet

It may sound weird, however, a whole set of people are searching for Pokémon everywhere they go. Was playing a game this exciting or popular previously? The rates of downloading Pokemon go is increasing more than any of the recent games downloaded. Pokémon go is the most popular game that has emerged till now. The […]

Did You Know That Netflix Is Hiking Its Fee?

For many of us, Netflix has now become part and parcel of our daily lives. It is, after all, the global leader in Internet Television, specializing in providing millions of people all over the world with quality online entertainment in the form of streaming videos and music as well as providing recorded entertainment in the […]